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Image: Emily Haddon |
CHVE Technology
What STEM activities are students doing at CHVE? Each month, come here to take a peek. Visit our tools: CHVE Links.
PARENTS: Visit this fantastic site that reviews movies, games/apps, and promotes responsible use of technology at home.
For the months of: March-April, 2014
Kindies - Use 10-Frames to build number fluency. Goal: recognize a set amount without having to count. Subtraction!
1st Grade
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blogs-images.forbes.com |
- Dance Mat Mondays!
- Students spent time on activities involving programming logic.
- code.org
- light-bot.com
- scratch.mit.edu: We took 2 days to fully understand the step-by-step guide.
- for the month of May: FlappyBird!
- Dance Mat Mondays!
- Students constructed several lego projects to learn about the relationship of gears and pulley systems. All students used Google Drive to label and take snapshots of their work.
3rd Grade
- Students begin class typing at Dance Mat, TypingClub, TypeToLearn4 (download), or TypingWeb. Hands are covered with a paper towel. Goal: by the end of 5th Grade, type 20 words per minute with 90% accuracy.
- Students explored programming logic through an introduction of Scratch. Students created accounts, ran through the Step-By-Step guide, and worked through the "How To" section to gain understanding of the different commands in Scratch.
- Into May: Students learned how to program Tilt and Motion sensors through the construction of a variety of robotic projects using Lego WeDo.
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- Students begin class typing at Dance Mat, TypingClub, TypeToLearn4 (download), or TypingWeb. Hands are covered with a paper towel. Goal: by the end of 5th Grade, type 20 words per minute with 90% accuracy.
- Remember flip card animation? (draw a stick figure, flip the page, draw it again...etc,) Students spent a second week in Scratch learning how to create animation. The goal is learning how to add animation to a character when designing your own video game. Check out our animations here. Some of them are really good. We also explored the concept of responsible public commenting.
- Into May: 3D Imaging: Students embarked upon their first experience with 3D imaging and design using Google's free program: SketchUp. The students walked through a 3-Part YouTube series on the basics of SketchUp. Our ultimate goal: In 5th Grade, design a product in SketchUp, print it out on our new MakerBot printer, and sell it in a "3D bake-sale".
- Typing at Dance Mat, TypingClub, TypeToLearn4 (download), or TypingWeb. Hands are covered with a paper towel. If they pass the test (type 20 words per minute with 90% accuracy), they are on the wall of fame. Currently there are 22 Fifth Graders at this level. No trick, just practice typing without looking at the keyboard.
- Stop Motion Animation: In a two-week project, using iPad's, student created a 10-30 second story. The students captured their story using the apps: StopMotion HD and iMovie. The format choices: White-board animation or Brick-films using Lego's. All projects will be exported and shared here. This also provides another opportunity to learn about the value in being responsible with personal information.
- Into May: 3D Imaging: Students began their first experience with 3D imaging and design using Google's free program: SketchUp. The students walked through a 3-Part YouTube series on the basics of SketchUp.